Posts Tagged 'fraud'

Company’s After-Tax Value

Dear March Group Complaints, When I sell my company, I am concerned that the after-tax value might be very low compared to the price initially set for it. How does The March Group make sure this can be prevented?

– Michelle L., Salina, Utah,

Hi Michelle, thank you for writing to us.  During both the valuation and deal structuring processes, The March Group suggests tax strategies that sellers can use to minimize the costs involved in the sale of a business.

These suggestions can be reviewed and analyzed by your own tax specialists, who can incorporate them into your overall financial picture.

If you need further clarification, you may contact The March Group at 1-866-663-5806 or email us at

Thanks for writing to us. The March Group Complaints is always ready to answer your concerns, questions and inquiries related to The March Group or the sale of your business.

Selling the Business and Employee FYI

Dear March Group Complaints, When should I tell my employees that I am considering selling my business? I don’t know how long it will take before the purchase gets through and I don’t want to cause undue panic to my employees that might affect the business.

– Heartlene Z., Boulder, CO

Hi Heartlene, thank you for writing to us.

The March Group encourages you not to tell your employees, yet. If you are still contemplating on selling your business, the actual sale could be a year or two away. Your key employees could begin looking for work, most likely at your competitors. Losing your key employees could affect the value of your business, and have possible repercussions by not keeping the process confidential. In addition, key customers could find out the status and begin looking for a new vendor if they are uncertain about the future.

Take the first step in making a strategic decision. Have your business evaluated. Or interested in buying or growing instead? Whatever your ultimate destination, you need a road map to get there. If you are interested in selling, the evaluation establishes the floor of value and triggers the transaction structuring required to meet your selling goals. If growing your business, the evaluation provides you today’s baseline value, which is crucial information for strategic growth design.

If you need further clarification, you may contact The March Group at 1-866-663-5806 or email us at

Thanks for writing to us. The March Group Complaints is always ready to answer your concerns, questions, inquiries and overall, your complaints about The March Group.

The Right Time to Sell Your Company

Dear March Group Complaints,

I am thinking of selling my company soon, but I am still unsure if that would be the right time. How do I determine this? I would appreciate hearing a professional’s point of view about it. Thank you.

– Chris E., Trenton, NJ

Thank you for writing in, Chris.

The answer is simple: it’s the right time to sell your company when your personal financial goals match external economic forces. Determining this timing is more complicated. To better understand your financial priorities and identify the optimal selling environment, partner with an experienced M&A professional who can advise you on what is best for your individual situation.

When you decide to work with The March Group, you will be working with a team of experienced professionals who will direct the whole process from marketing the business, finding the right buyer and negotiating the best possible deal structure for you.

The March Group can help you. We have 20 years of experience and relationships with qualified buyers to uncover all appropriate prospective purchasers and secure the best value from the sale for our client.

If you need further clarification, you may contact The March Group at 1-866-663-5806 or email us at

Thanks for writing to us. The March Group Complaints is always ready to answer your concerns, questions, inquiries and overall, your complaints about The March Group.

Selling Your Company On Your Own

Dear March Group Complaints, I would like to know if I can consult with you about the initial stages of selling my company, but not necessarily have you sell it on my behalf. I would like to close the deal myself with the buyer.

Jennifer C., Bridgeport, Connecticut

Hi Jennifer, thank you for writing to our blog.  We can tailor a consulting package to your needs.  One of the most important things you should have in hand before embarking on the sale process is the true fair market value of your business.

We bring 25 years of experience helping business owners get the maximum value for their business and everything begins with our appraisal process.  Let’s have a discussion about this when you have a moment.  No obligation.  You can reach me at 949-517-7523.

Many thanks,

Perry Sheraw

Senior Vice President

The March Group

March Group Complaints: Our Transactions

Hi March Group Complaints, I found your company after a friend recommended your services.  I’m interested in buying a business in and around my area but I’m cautious.  Can you give me a little background on the types of transactions you have completed so I know if this is a good fit?–Simon B., Dover, DE
Hi Simon, Thanks for writing to The March Group Complaints blog.  Our completed transactions include both sell-side and buy-side mergers and acquisitions assignments, recapitalizations, and the raising of debt and equity capital for existing enterprises.
You can check out our website to get some real-life stories of the kind of business transactions we’ve completed as well as how our clients viewed the whole process.  Or register with our site and view what opportunities are currently available, that will give you a good sense of who we do business with. You can also speak to someone via our live customer support by calling 954-282-3384 between 8:30am and 5pm EST.  I hope that you decide that doing business with The March Group, a Better Business Bureau accredited business, is working with a trusted advisor.  I also hope I answered your complaint. 
Thanks for writing to the March Group Complaints and let me know how you proceed in this arena.

The March Group Answers Your Complaints

Hi, March Group Complaints, I’ve gone through previous March Group Complaints blog listings and can’t find my answer there so I’m writing now.  A year ago, I registered as a buyer on your site, but I can’t find my password.  Can you walk me through this process?
–Tia M., Bristol, MA

Thanks Tia for writing to March Group Complaints,  If you have forgotten your username and/or password, please revisit the In the lower right corner of the home page, under the “Returning Users” login screen, you will see the “Forgot Password?” link. Clicking this link will take you to a new page where you will be requested to provide the e-mail address under which you have registered. If it matches the e-mail address in our database, your username and new password will be e-mailed you. Once logged in, you can update your password by visiting the “My Profile” tab under “My Account.”
If you receive a message indicating that the provided e-mail address does not match any current users and you have good reason to believe that you are registered, please contact a March Group buyer support representative at 954.282.3384 or Please tell the support representative that you need to confirm your Corporations4Sale registration. Thanks for writing to March Group Complaints!

March Group Online Customer Reviews

Hi Complaints, Can you tell me the importance of online presence when running or selling a business?  I’m considering getting my company ready for sale with The March Group and want to make the best first impression.  I’ve had some bad online press and want to know how to put my company in the best light.

–Martin L., Santa Fe, NM

The March Group Complaints knows the importance of the online review.  Have you noticed that today there are many sites dedicated solely to the customer experience?  Sites such as Yelp, Consumer Reports, Epinions, etc., are invaluable to your business, regardless of the size or how long you have been in business.  A few bad reviews can do more damage more quickly than any other positive business strategy.  If you don’t Google your website on a weekly basis, you may be inadvertently turning business away. 
The March Group suggests that you become very familiar with your online presence.  Noticing bad press?  Many businesses can learn valuable lessons from bad reviews.  Can you improve on the customer experience after learning your business’ weak spots?  Now you have a 3rd party interpretation that would cost a lot in marketing efforts if you had to pay for it.  Try and take the criticism and make improvements to the consumer experience.  

Another way some businesses use this criticism is to contact the reviewer personally and try and work out any bad experiences they may have had.  Offering future discounts, new experiences, or free services can have major impacts on improving your reputation or even getting reviews deleted or retracted.  Take a personal approach to every customer experience and watch the results.   Don’t be intimidated by negative press, instead know that you can and should do something about it.  

While our March Group Complaint blog invites the public to comment, vent or inquire about our services, we wanted to use this week’s space to discuss the importance of the the online review.  All businesses can suffer from a negative online reputation and here’s how your business can improve your image.  For more information on buying or selling a business contact The March Group at or call 866-663-5806.

The March Group Complaints : We Aim to Please

Welcome to The March Group Complaints Blog!

At The March Group our goal is to successfully satisfy all complaints. Please feel free to log your complaint right here in the blog, send an email to or call us directly for a more personal touch, 866-663-5806.

Fulfilling our client’s needs is our number one daily focus and springboard for all new products. Having been in business for over 24 years we truly understand the value of each customer. We look forward to serving you!